Romantic Love and Freedom
There is a rather superficial view that romantic love and freedom are contradictory. Some people even recite Petőfi’s widely known verses: “Life is dear, love is dearer. Both can be given up for freedom.” I used to think this was just a joke, especially when people used it to explain why they were still single.…
On Loneliness
Loneliness is the destiny of human beings, an unavoidable and fated part of life. Since the 19th century, many philosophers, writers, and psychologists have expressed this attitude from different perspectives, such as Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Thomas Wolfe, Jean-Paul Sartre, Hannah Arendt, and Irvin Yalom, among others. Regardless, the belief that loneliness is a human destiny seems…
Correspondence Between China and the World’s Mainstream Social Media: From Both Respectives
From the World’s Perspective: World China Notes Facebook No After Renren’s demise, China no longer has an open, real-name, all-in-one social platform Instagram No X/Twitter Weibo(微博) Weibo’s content is semi-closed loop, while X/Twitter is open Messenger/WhatsApp/Telegram WeChat (only chatting part) YouTube BiliBili(哔哩哔哩) YouTube doesn’t have BiliBili’s signature pop-up feature, and it has ads. Its 4K…
TikTok is Bad, but REDNote is Even Worse
In response to a possible upcoming on TikTok in the USA, many young Americans are now flocking to REDNote. The saying goes that between two evils, people should choose the lesser one, but now they seem to be choosing the bigger one. Concerns about TikTok are understandable. It does indeed collect people’s data and may…
The Dysfunctional Communication Between Academia and Public
The American public has a long history of distrusting universities, but the congressional hearings at Harvard, MIT, and Penn State have unfortunately taken that distrust to new heights. The three presidents were criticized for their overly lawyerly and nerdy responses. It is also easy to see a source of distrust in this incident. The dominant…
Learning to Smile
Years ago, when haze enveloped many cities in China, we wore N95 masks when we stayed outside. One problem I soon noticed was that we couldn’t see each other’s expressions on their faces when we wore the masks; if I smiled, others didn’t know it, and vice versa. A friend told me that in such…
The Philosophy of World History: The Modern Age — A Hegelian Sequel
If Hegel lived today, how would he tell the story of world history in the last two hundred years? How do we use the basic principles of his philosophy of world history to write modern history? Here is my initial idea: The Contents: Introduction: Reason in the Modern History First Part: The Age of Modernization…
How to Understand Intel CPU’s “Turbo Boost Power Time Window”?
This is the official description of the setting item, “Turbo Boost Power Time Window,” from XTU (Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility): The Time window over which the average CPU core power must be below the Turbo Boost Power Max.(PL1 Time) This setting item is not related to “Turbo Boost Short Power Max” for two reasons: 1)…